Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Diesel Multi Display Watches

There’s some new frenzy on the internet concerning Diesel watches. I’m not usually into watches (meaning I don’t ever wear one myself – makes me think how time flies without mercy) but I wanted you to see this.

I’ll spare you the tech – details, if you must know something, then it’s the price – the Diesel DZ9025 (the one above) costs $595 and the Diesel DZ9024 (the one presented down here) costs $550, so about $100 for each display.
Multi-display watches. I aesthetically appreciate two display analog watches. However, I never thought I’d be looking at a five display watch one day and try to understand what it stands for.

Let’s say I’ll use two. Ok, maybe I’ll find something for the third display. But what should I do with two more? So here it goes for the questionnaire :
Do you like these two watches? And if so, which one comes in first? And what use for the five displays?

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